Original Pure True Authentic Legitimate Genuine Wild Growth® Hair Oils

This symbol certifies that visitor of this page has read the Wild Growth®   Hair Growth Protection claimer and disclaimer- Click on this line or symbol.


Wild Growth® Oils Authenticity: 4 check list features

Feature 1-Raised letter 'Wild Growth Co.' on bottle bottom & last runs of bottles in current use on right:

There may be some older authentic bottles without Feature 1 but they must display:

Feature 2- Metal foil liner (not foam liner)  Feature 3- Clear intact alpha-numerical batch code unique to each bottle. Sellers of multiple bottles with the exact same number series on the left side of the batch code are clearly sellers of counterfeits:


In the photo just below, the foam cap seal (with sealed for your protection wording printed on it)  used on the fake bottle on the right was inappropriate and not what we use. The genuine bottle on the left has the correct metal foil seal (see real one on the left).


Feature 4

Images by lister should not be bluured. Images, online or otherwise of containers claimed to be 'Wild Growth' in separate narratives ('Wild Growth' read in product titles, descriptions, and narratives) that blur where the product name  and manufacturer/contact should be on the bottles themselves confirm that  counterfeits are being listed. Beware  of such listings on Alibaba (as of 08/03/24) and other sites (for example:    https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Wild-Growth-Hair-Oil-4-oz_1601081335246.html?spm=a2700.7724857.0.0.1a636690EjeWWP)


Blurred product name 1:

Blurred product name 2:


Blurred manufacturer name and contact:


Clear product name/description on listing but blurred product name on bottle image:


                        Identity thieves and sellers of fakes:



                 Counterfeits and Identity Thieves (Paks Cosmetics/Beauty Logistics) in the UK.

The same 'unique' batch code shared by different bottles is the smoking gun since every bottle is unique by it's numerical production line sequence number (first set of batch code numbers).


 Counterfeit sold by a UK shop  <<<<  different bottles sharing the same unique sequence number with same batch model, number and date >>>>> Counterfeit sold online by  PakCosmetics.com

Update 01/27/24. Recently, Paks has acquired  authentic Wild Growth® Hair Oil  to avoid  punitive actions but still may be selling counterfeits or intends to continue selling counterfeits in the future.



Therefore Beware of:

FRAUD!!!Pakcosmetics.com managed and operated by

FRAUD!!!Beauty Logistics Limited, 3 West Road, Harlow, Essex CM20 2BT, United Kingdom. Your No 1 choice for multicultural hair and beauty products.


FRAUD!!!+44 (0) 207-263-2331E-MAIL:



FRAUD!!!Paks Finsbury Park (Flagship), 25-27 Stroud Green Road, London N4 3EF, UK Tel: 0207 263 2088

FRAUD!!!Paks Dalston, 6-8 Ridley road, London E8 2NR, Tel: 0207 249 9013

FRAUD!!!Paks Wood Green, Unit 14, Wood Green Shopping City, High Road, London N22 6YQ, Tel: 0208 881 2001

FRAUD!!!Paks Peckham, 141 Rye Lane, London SE15 4ST, Tel: 0207 732 2822

FRAUD!!!Paks Hackney, 29-31 Chatsworth Road, London E5 0LH, Tel: 0208 985 2154

FRAUD!!!Paks Walthamstow, 33-35 High Street (Market), London E17 7AD, Tel: 0208 509 3621

FRAUD!!!Paks Harlesdon, 140-142 High Street, London NW10 4SP, Tel: 0208 961 6969

FRAUD!!!Paks Dagenham, 212a Heathway Dagenham, Essex RM10 8QS, Tel: 0208 592 9108






United States

Counterfeit Distributors and Retail outlets:

Beauty City supplier of Counterfeits:

Grace Beauty Imports
871 B Plantation Way #3
Montgomery Al 36117


See photos of fake bottle below:


Wild Growth® Hair Oil bottle bottom Purchased by Beauty City from:

 Grace Beauty Imports


Wild Growth® Light Oil Moisturizer bottle bottom siezed by Homeland Security from Grace Beauty Imports


Counterfeit using foam PS22 liner and no liners siezed by homeland security at Grace Beauty Imports


Confirmed fake purchased from Grace Beauty Imports Wild Growth Oil is currently 0718/24 being sold at:

Beauty City
10668 Chantilly Dr
Montgomery, AL 36117
(334) 262-0305



Wild Growth® Hair Oil bottle bottom purchased by end user from City Beauty



Among other tell tale indicators, the seal material purchased from City Beauty is frayed foam liner (not authentic)







Darker print and logo on counterfeit on the left  Lighter print and logo on authentic on the right













Confirmed fake Wild Growth Hair Oil is currently 02/05/24 being sold at:

Beauty Depot
204 20th Ave.
(601) 483-9903
Meridian, MS 39301

See the fake bottle on the right compared the real one on the left in the photos below. As opposed to the real one, the fake one was described by the experienced Wild Growth user as being watery, bubbly with a strong sulfur odor. Not our product! The fake containers printing was reported to be smudged.

In the photo just below, the foam cap seal (with sealed for your protection wording printed on it)  used on the fake bottle on the right was inappropriate and not what we use. The genuine bottle on the left has the correct metal foil seal (see real one on the left).



Note in the two photos below, the translucency or light coming through the fake right bottle whereas the authentic bottle on the left does not let light pass through despite it being completely empty.

Note the darker print on the counterfeit bottle on the right.


Comments from the purchaser who could readily tell the difference between the Beauty Depot bought fake and the real one:

See our comments in red

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Bad batches being made and sold!
Date: 2024-02-04 18:00
From:  <>
To: "wildgro@wildgrowth.com" <wildgro@wildgrowth.com>


I'm writing immediately due to a clear comparison of a bad product being
sold by your company in a hair store in Meridian, MS called Beauty Depot
on 204 20th Ave. I ran out of Wild Growth hair oil and decided to pick
some up while visiting Meridian this week. I hadn't used any due to my
schedule. I returned home today to use the new bottle I purchased and
immediately noticed the following:
1. The green wording was blurry and smudged compared to my old bottle
(which I had not thrown away yet). We do not sell product in defectively printed bottles. 
2. The opening was a thin easily detachable circle of paper with writing
instead of the thick covering that is attached on my old bottle. We only use heat induction seals (thick metal) for our cap liners.
3. The smell of the new product was horrible and smells like straight
Sulphur. We do not use sulfur and our products do not  have a sulfur odor.
4. The product is thin like water and full of bubbles. Our product is always thicker than vegetable oil.
The product immediately needs to be removed! My child is only in the 7th
grade and without even telling her she knew the difference because she
uses the old version just like me. We are currently seeking punitive actions against Beauty Depot of Meridian MS for selling these fakes.
5. The new bottle was cheaper. (Keep in mind I bought the previous
bottle because it was actually the cheapest I could find at the time)
Whatever you all are trying please stop. You only have two products and
that's where company's think the customers are naive or just dumb. Many
of us come from a family of beauticians, we are beauticians, or we
simply just know the old product. We are currently seeking punitive actions against Beauty Depot of Meridian MS for selling these fakes.
Nothing should have been changed. If it has become costly to make the
original formulas it would be better to pull the product OR list the new
ingredients accurately especially when the change could potentially
become harmful or cause adverse results. We are currently seeking punitive actions against Beauty Depot of Meridian MS for selling these fakes.
Yes, I have photos.


If any purchaser notes the same product and container characteristics in their purchase described above, please contact  wildgro@wildgrowth.com  to report who their supplier was. We, as the manufacturer, offer to compensate receivers of confirmed fakes if the buyer provides photos and samples as proof and the selling vendor name, address,  and phone number.



Fake copyright claims

Any 'Wild Growth Hair Oil' claim of 'copyright' such as '© 2024 Wild Growth Hair Oil' is a violation of US Trademark law. 


Wild Growth Hair Oil claims on other sites

Wild Growth Hair Oil claims on any other websites other than those specifically made at www.wildgrowth.com , www.hairgrownfast.com , www.yourownhumanhair.com or www.wildgrowthcompany.com such as unqualified 'hair growth' claims or stated ingredients and their purpose are not authorized by Wild Growth Co.. 



Ingredients discrepancies are not a good reason to suspect fakes.

As a matter of fact, no good or bad knock off artist would try to raise suspicion on himself by changing the ingredients. That rumor demonstrated no intelligence, but has been effective in generating much negative gossip in the community. The real reasons for Wild Growth® hair oil igredients discrepancy are stated below:

The rumors of fakes started when Wild Growth changed the ingredients list from the results of nutrient extraction to the raw materials from which the extraction occurs. So, despite Wild Growth explaining this discrepancy between the old and new bottles, the rumors have persisted over years. Also, Wild Growth Co. has not used jojoba oil for the last 35 years. As an oversight, Jojoba Oil was left on the list till recently. Therefore there are many genuine bottles for sale that still list Jojoba oil.  You will less likely find even older bottles that listed the end products of ingredients extraction such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron etc.) Also, at one point, the list included 'Wild Growth® Nutrient Complex'. FDA did not like that as the phrase was not a recognized ingredient. So we changed it to what FDA did approve: 'and other ingredients' But then, when exporting to the UK, Customs did not like 'and other ingredients' so we remove that too. Any bottles that you come across with any of those list items are legitimate. Ingredients discrepancies are not a good reason to suspect fakes. As a matter of fact, no good or bad knock off artist would try to raise suspicion on himself by changing the ingredients. That rumor revealed no intelligence, but has been effective in generating much negative gossip in the community.

Regarding Wild Growth® Nutrient Complex, The nutrient extraction process is critical to what makes Wild Growth® Oils what they are. Wild Growth Co is not a manufacturer that only reads about ingredients and what they are known to do or reads the ingredients lists on popular products and directly incorporates them in their products. Wild Growth® has a superior approach in testing various extraction methods using twelve proprietary Wild Growth® paired enhancement and moderation steps applied to various ingredients to produce unequaled results! As a result, a unique discovery was made in 1985 and has been implemented and guarded through today.


Follow this link for more info on the Wild Growth® Nutrient Complex




A recent emailer and responses:

From: aub..........@gmail.com <aubr........@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 1:52 PM
To: wildgrowth@outlook.com <wildgrowth@outlook.com>
Subject: Authentic wild hair growth

I have been wanting to try this product ,but I have heard of people having issues with buying fake products that are posing as Wild hair growth . I want to try the authentic product so badly but I want to know that I am buying the real one . Where can I purchase the 100% authentic Wild Hair Growth ?
Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 31, 2024, at 9:27 AM, tony rest <wildgrowth@outlook.com> wrote:

The rumors of fakes started when Wild Growth changed the ingredients list from the results of nutrient extraction to the raw materials from which the extraction occurs. So, despite Wild Growth explaining this discrepancy between the old and new bottles, the rumors have persisted over years. There have been no fakes bearing the new ingredients list to date. If you wish to purchase from us, click on the manufacturer direct link at www.wildgrowth.com


From: aub.......@gmail.com <aub.........@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 3:11 PM
To: tony rest <wildgrowth@outlook.com>
Subject: Re: Authentic wild hair growth

Thank you so much for your response . Do you happen to have a list of the ingredients that I should be looking for. I think I would like to purchase from you directly. I was going to purchase from Amazon but then I had saw mostly good reviews but a couple people thought they had purchased a fake bottle and said that their head was burning, I saw this bottle sold on Amazon and I thought it looked different. Also when I tried to go to the www.wildgrowthcompany.com that was displayed on the bottle. The website didn’t exist. So it made me skeptical. Below is a picture of the product on Amazon .
Sent from my iPhone

Our latest list does not have Jojoba oil. The ones prior do show Jojoba Oil which we forgot to remove. Wild Growth has not used Jojoba Oil for the last 35 years. But there are many genuine bottles for sale that still list Jojoba oil. Therefore, the images below should be of the real product. You will less likely find even older bottles that listed the end products of ingredients extraction such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron etc.) Also, at one point, the list included 'Wild Growth® Nutrient Complex'. FDA did not like that as the phrase was not a recognized ingredient. So we changed it to what FDA did approve: 'and other ingredients' But then, when exporting to the UK, Customs did not like 'and other ingredients' so we remove that too. Any bottles that you come across with any of those list items are legitimate. Ingredients discrepancies are not a good reason to suspect fakes. As a matter of fact, no good or bad knock off artist would try to raise suspicion on himself by changing the ingredients. That rumor demonstrated no intelligence, but has been effective in generating much negative gossip in the community.

Regarding 'Wild Growth® Nutrient Complex', If you follow this link, https://www.wildgrowth.com/Wild%20Growth%C2%AE%20oil%20nutrient%20complex.htm

The nutrient extraction process is critical to what makes Wild Growth® Oils what they are. There are many companies that read about ingredients and what they are known to do or read the ingredients lists on popular products and use them in their products. Wild Growth® has a superior approach in testing various extraction methods applied to various ingredients to produce real results!

Wildgrowthcompany.com is no longer being hosted by any site but will soon be re-directed to www.wildgrowth.com

www.wildgrowth.com may look 'bootleg' but offers it credentials: It's trade names and trade marks, it addresses connecting the bottle addresses with the addresses used in filing trade name and marks, and in domain registrations. Nevertheless, all the websites that sell Wild Growth are legitimate. Some may display older bottles but carry the lastest (with no Jojoba oil). Others, still have the 'jojoba oil' bottles in stock which are the exact same formula.

Product images of current/future genuine Wild Growth® products

As of December 2023,

A new bottle version of Wild Growth Hair Oil will replace any previous version and is expected to  dominate in numbers over the previous versions still in circulation by March 2024.







Product images of past/current genuine Wild Growth® products



Product demand has exceeded our original bottle supplier output capability. We are now circulating both original tall/narrow versions of Wild Growth® Hair Oil and new short/wider versions from another supplier. See side by side photos below:


 Fronts of tall/narrow and short/wide versions                                                                               Backs of tall/narrow and short/wide versions



REAL (short/wide third version) BELOW

More Real:

This bottle bottom version below which is currently being produced and distributed will phase out the other genuine versions with different bottle bottoms.





04/13/20 Notice

Not one confirmed fake was ever sold on Amazon or any online store.  Back in 2017, we made repeated changes in the ingredients list to actually be more accurate and, thus, less misleading about what actually goes into our products.  Basically, what we listed before were the extract 'catch names' which were misleading because when those names were plugged into the official list of International Cosmetics Ingredients (INCI), dangerous chemicals would pull up under those  names such as magnesium, iron, phosphorous which , in their pure chemical state are hazardous and only have industrial applications. In truth, these elements as we listed them were  hypothetical biologically available elements that are naturally bound in complex molecules that  are completely safe to use. So, in stages we decided to list the sources of the extracts instead,  first replace the phrase Wild Growth Nutrient complex which is not an identifiable ingredient with 'and other ingredients' as per FDA protocol. Then when International markets had problems with 'and other ingredients', we removed that.  All these changes and other incidental ones (the phone number was changed by error during a revision) back in 2017 caused an uproar  and these misinformed suspicions (Including the 'ring leader' Amazon 2017 Top Review, "Hopes shot down, which to this day is the first review one sees) have been discredited by Wild Growth as well as other reviews who have gotten great results then and since from their Amazon purchase).  After January 2018 the ingredients list has  not changed to this date. Only one confirmed fake has been discovered sold by  a few brick and mortar stores (we have identified 4) which does have the correct/updated ingredients list but has a molded-in triangle on the bottom of the plastic bottle to flush it out from the real ones. This fake  is not a real threat because it never took significant hold in the market  but should still be looked out for.

Amazon is our top seller and should  remove any top review which , while getting people excited, is not based on truth.  It is strange that when a rumor is put out, no one goes to the source,   www.wildgrowth.com  (on the back of the bottle), to clear the air but would rather entertain themselves by  feeding a conspiracy theory rooted in  fiction whose fire Amazon chooses to fan to generate  negative popular interest to encourage new visitors to  their site so that they may either buy the villain, Wild Growth Oils, or a list of convenient alternatives  on the same page- a game of 'dirty pool'.  For more details as to how the 'fake'  fable came about, visit https://www.wildgrowth.com/Quality%20Assurance%20and%20Authenticity.htm.





 A recently found fake  (01/21/21):





Certified fake found back in April 2020 (04/2020)



A certified Wild Growth Hair Oil  fake has been found at brick and mortar outlets. If the bottom of the bottle looks like below, it is fake:


also note  rounded shoulder of bottle

Wild Growth Co. Certified Fake bottle bottle bottom manufactured by Tri-Delta with triangle logo HDPE designation



04/13/20   ALERT :This is the first of probably several more stores that we have confirmed are selling fake Wild Growth Bottles :



Kings Beauty Supply
6432 Two Notch Road Ste L
Columbia, SC 29223

Kings Beauty Supply
2730 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC 29210

Hair Boss
7367 Two Notch Road
Columbia, SC 29223



Metro Beauty Supply
23 Hardy Court Shopping Center
Gulfport, MS 39507


Ways of suspecting fakes:

 If the bottle has a big sticker blocking the address and contact info for wild growth that is most likely a fake. Also if the price is below $4.40 a bottle that is also a big red flag that it is a fake bottle. Bottom line of fake determination is the bottom of the bottle which serves as a telling fingerprint:



REAL vs. FAKE  photo summary below:















Notice below has been updated on 08/30/2021


As of 01/31/24,  the   www.wildgrowthhairoil.com domain is in Wild Growth Co.'s control and is re-directed to www.wildgrowth.com

Please note that www.buyhairoils.com and other websites do imply that Wild Growth® product direct and unqualified hair growth claims at www.buyhairoils.com and other websites (such as 'promotes thick, long hair growth', 'accelerate hair growth', 'strengthens follicles', or 'Wild Growth - The brand that changed the hair growth game one inch of growth at a time! are provided by the manufacturer, Wild Growth Co..(https://www.buyhairoils.com/pages/disclaimer), which is not true. Neither are the ingredients list and the ingredients' purposes stated at www.buyhairoils.com  and other websites provided by the manufacturer, Wild Growth Co..

Past warning against fake website pretending to be genuine founding Wild Growth Co. website:


Alert for 'wildgrowthhairoil.com'. This site can only mask its fraud by not displaying contact information that is on the back of Wild Growth Co. product bottles and contact information registered with the USPTO.  wildgrowthhairoil.com falsely claims to be the manufacturer of Wild Growth® Oils and does not use the ® symbol since if it is searched at the US Patent and trade mark office, The real name of the manufacturer, Wild Growth Co., an Arizona Corporation will pull up (see Wild Growth Company Hair Oil Products Manufacturer, Formulator, Founder, Originator and Seller Credentials ).  The web site displays no email, facility address or P.O. Box  to connect to, purposely omits photos of the back of the bottle displaying Wild Growth Co. , P.O. Box 14822, Scottsdale, AZ 85267, www.wildgrowth.com  and wildgro@wildgrowth.com and claims to be  doing business 'throughout the years.' as they lifted Wild Growth History from the Wild Growth Co. website (Wild Growth® Established 1985) 'going back to 1985' while their false copyright on www.ildgrowthhairoil.com  is dated  2023. The claimed copyright  is both illegal and impossible since the Registered Trade Name (along with the mark) Wild Growth®  has been awarded to Wild Growth Co. in the 1990's. With the trade name already awarded, a request for a copyright at the USPTO containing the phrase 'Wild Growth' would be rejected.

The use of trust 'props':

Along with plagiarising much information and before and after photos from www.wildgrowth.com www.wildgrowthhair oil.com calls itself The hair growth Co.' and makes other  direct unqualified hair growth claims not made by Wild Growth Co. at www.wildgrowth.com or elsewhere, commits identity theft by falsely claiming it is the manufacturer  offering no credentials and hides information linking to Wild Growth Co. (by comparison see Wild Growth Co.Manufacturing Credentials) But it must show 'props' to gain trust. So it displays a phone number at the end of the shopping process (We cannot display it as someone calling it may be subject to fraud exposure) which is a confirmed 'scammer' phone  used by multiple fraudulent websites for different products  that have drawn complaints ranging from partial order shipped to no product shipped with no responses from these sites to  remedy the issue. This phone is the 'empty mascot' used by this ring of fraudulent websites including www.wildgrowthhair oil.com and is displayed  as a fake contact for gaining trust.

Search engine (google) results for Wild Growth® Oils  are hijacked to www.wildgrowthhair oil.com Calling itself 'The Hair Growth Company'  in the link name as a prop to gain confidence in believing that this site is the true Wild Growth® Hair Oils site, feeding off of Wild Growth® Hair Oil's reputation spurred by user results reported  over the years (see Wild Growth Co.' position on 'hair growth'). Google inquirers of Wild Growth® Hair Oils also see www.wildgrowthhair oil.com links displaying the term, 'Wholesaler' to reinforce the notion that they are the the manufacturer who is capable of selling  wholesale quantities (Please contact wildgro@wildgrowth.com for best quantity based discounts), but when following the links on the web site, they drill down to a page that states that 'wholesale purchasing is currently not available'. Another 'trust' prop.

For more info follow link below:

Warning against fake website pretending to be genuine founding Wild Growth Co. website



The entity below has been receiving money for orders and never sending product.


Beauty Connection (U) LTD.:


P.O. Box 25574

 Kampala, Uganda (East Africa)

 Tel #1: +256 772 462 706, Tel #2 +256 702 462 706 Fax: +256 414 343 538  wamanyae@gmail.com  

(Jacqueline Kem. Murari/Wamanya Edison Katooro)


 If an order is placed, there is a high likelihood that the product will be counterfeit (Beauty Connection of Uganda has not ordered since 2018), and a 100 % likelihood that you will neither receive product or money back, regardless of lengthy drawn out excuses over  months and years.
